The short opening track on this release is untypical of what is to come. Upbeat, trancey, a real groove in fact but, it feels out of place. Following is the forty eight minute maelstrom which is PK Live at The Lovefield Festival. Spooky electronics and a whispered introduction "at sundown" precede a haunting section of church like organ; our central theme is now established. On a first airing what now follows might seem incoherent, even schizoid, as the aforementioned theme is repeatedly faded in and out in favour of a diverse array of passages, each brought briefly to centre stage. Purely rhythmic ...fusion guitar ...wedges of orchestral synth ...hints of industrial ...all manner of life is here. However, what initially seems little more than a musical chameleon gradually mutates into a giant mood piece, effortlessly decelerating into the realms of dark ambient, then surging forward again with sparkling percussives and weird phased effects. Who said you can't get a quart into a pint pot ! Conceptually this is the cousin of Arizona Tracks although comparisons end there - Lovefield is less polished but, more insistent and better for it. Several of the ideas in this piece would have been sufficient in isolation for a lesser artist to have built a whole album around. An exhilarating workout.
Finally (and as out of place as the opener) thirteen minutes of chilled, subharmonics ... something not of this world is coming ... something that will take our woofers to their limit. His best since VII.
(review by Paul Milligan)